The goal was to help young attorneys in all practice areas learn the basics of dealing with tax issues. BPJ Associate Kaitlyn Cornett partnered with Managing Director Cindy MacAulay, CPA, of Dixon Hughes Goodman recently to share their expertise.
“We talked about taxation of different business entities, how to read tax returns, Tennessee taxation laws and tax tips for litigators, like which documents to ask for in discovery,” said Cornett. “A good audience for this presentation turned out to be family law practitioners, who may never have expected to need to understand tax returns and business financial documents, but are now frequently analyzing present and future value of businesses in order to split assets and determine alimony and child support.”
The presentation, available through the Young Lawyers Division of the Memphis Bar Association, was Cornett’s first for CLE credit.
Cornett’s practice focuses on taxation, corporate and business law, charitable and not-for-profit organizations and estate planning and probate. She and BPJ Member Andy Jones, also a tax and business law expert, both earned Masters of Law, Taxation, from the prestigious New York University Law School.