
BPJ News & Updates: February 2020

Former U.S. Attorney Joins BPJ, Expands Investigative and Criminal Tax Practice Burch, Porter & Johnson is pleased to announce that Larry Laurenzi has joined the firm as a Senior Attorney. As a former United States Attorney for the Western District of Tennessee, Laurenzi assists companies and individuals who areRead more

Halijan Appointed by Tennessee Supreme Court to Second Term on Rules Advisory Commission

Douglas F. Halijan, a partner at Burch, Porter & Johnson, PLLC in Memphis, has been appointed by the Tennessee Supreme Court to serve a second three-year term on the Advisory Commission for the Tennessee Rules of Practice and Procedure, effective January 1, 2020.  He presently serves asRead more

January 2020 Your Business & the Law: A Labor & Employment Newsletter

Confidentiality During an Investigation: NLRB Holds Employers May Require It by Jennifer Shorb Hagerman Resolving several years of conflicting directives from the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and the Equal Opportunity Commission regarding the confidentiality of workplace investigations, the NLRB recently held that employers’ rules requiring thatRead more

Bar Association Leadership Posts Go To BPJ Lawyers

Congratulations to BPJ Member Tannera George Gibson, who has been elected Secretary/Treasurer of the Memphis Bar Association.  With her election, Tannera will become President in 2022, the first black woman to hold the job. “Tannera continues a long tradition of BPJ lawyers playing leadership roles in theRead more

Newman Receives Lawyer’s Lawyer Award

When Charlie Newman, a BPJ attorney since 1965 and a titan of the Memphis legal community, was awarded the Judge Jerome Turner Lawyer's Lawyer award from the Memphis Bar Association last week, no one at the firm was particularly surprised, though we were happy and proud, of course.Read more

BPJ News & Updates: November 2019

BPJ Lawyers Lead ALFA Presentations Across the Country As a member of ALFA International, Burch, Porter & Johnson has the ability to provide our clients with a global network of attorneys, as well as relevant resources and educational opportunities. BPJ attorneys Doug Halijan and Molly Glover haveRead more